Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Spanish Fork

HVDD is going to be in the Spanish Fork 24th of July parade this morning! come down and support your local roller derby league!!!!! We are also recruiting if youre interested! Pick up a flier from one of our girls! See you there!

Friday, July 13, 2012

The hive update

So we were renting a building called the hive in Spanish fork where we played and practiced roller derby. Well we were only renting it and they have sold the building. So we have to move by August 16th. If anyone knows of any warehouse style buildings for rent locally, please let the happy valley derby Darlins know. We may have to practice at classic again for a bit until we get a new building, so keep your eyes out. Thank you!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Wow its been kind of a while since I posted. So to update, I am in a marine calendar, I'll have to post the photo later because I'm posting this from mobile, but its a good photo. Next I was in a photoshoot for a friends hair school and they used my photo on the front page, I'll have to get the link for that later as well. I'm in contact with the photographer to get ahold of the other photos so I can put them in my portfolio. As soon as I get them I'll be posting. I don't have any other shoots lined up as of yet, but ilk keep you updated on that.

Roller derby had been going well, our travel team has only lost 1 game so far, and we juss added 3 new girls to the team and our new group of freshies graduated and got split into teams. So we are moving on. I currently am not skating, I don't have the time anymore with my job at night. So I'm nsoing and helping with events still but juss not skating. Which I really miss it, but hopefully next year I well have enough time to resume playing for next season. We will see.

Moving on, I have been uploading new tutorials to my YouTube channel lately so if you are bored or if you like to make Kandi, check it out! I'll post links to all of the above asap. K, I'm out! Ttyl