Monday, June 14, 2010

So they ended up cancelling the salt flats shoot because of weather and they shot in an underground parking garage instead. I didn't make it though cuz I had work. The next shoot that was planned was bridals, which I also didnt make because I had no dress to wear since all my clothes are packed still. Fail! Then they shot at an old gas station but I had work again. So hopefully coming up there wont be so much craziness in my life! I got scheduled with chelsea from Urbanite imagery last sunday but her dad started chemo so we rescheduled it. Possibly this coming up monday. And the details of that shoot are still unclear. Possibly another sin of the 7, or maybe something totally new alltogether. We'll see, i'll keep you updated!

[[.PrEtTy RaVe GiRl.]]