Sunday, March 13, 2011

Prayers for Japan.

I juss want to say that it's soo sad what happened in Japan and the surrounding countries that were affected, all my thoughts and prayers go out to the families who lost loved ones these past couple of days. I hope all of yours will too.

Onto other news, I actually started some photo manipulation juss to try it out. Im no photographer or anything, but im getting better at photoshop which was a goal of mine for a while here. I've only got a few pictures so far, they are only of eyes. But I thought you guys might want to check them out. So since I have nothing else to update about thus far then here they are!

This is the first manipulation that I tried out. I got the eye from a stock photo off of Google search and the planets I had in my photos from a while back.

This was the second eye I did, it didnt take as long as the first one, so I assume im getting the hang of it. Anyways I also got this eye of google, as well as the planets and the fire in the pupil.

This was my third one, I thought it would be cool to get some fire going so I used the same fire as I put in the pupil of the eye above and put it on here, as well as got the eye of google.

And this is the last one I worked on so far. I like it because its simple and pretty, not as elaborate as the other 3 but I Like to have a mixture of all types.

So there is a talent that I am developing. Until the modeling starts to pick up then hopefully you guys can enjoy these. :)(

Friday, March 4, 2011


Holy wow, I havent written in a very long time. All kinds of new stuff has happened since then but I dont remember it all. Lol! Either way, Im still with the Vyxenz, we are working on getting a new website up for the moment and the events have slowed down which isnt too bad because they were like eery weekend and eery day of the weekend there for a little bit. Anyways we got sponsored by Dr. Johns and are re-doing their whole store pix with pix of us, I chose not to be in that shoot though because I dont want to wear lingerie. We havent got to see who else is in that one yet, that will happen soon. Still waiting on some photoshoots to get back to us, some singles from the apaches we shot in, those should come out in Mayish I think.

Moving on, I cant wait for summer so I can do some summer shoots, I hate always having to wear winter clothes! But if we get a good snow in before then i'm going to do a snowboarding shoot in a bikini. And that will be fun! And freezing. If the snow never comes then I'll save that one for next year. I've been doing a lot of blacklight shoots lately too, which the pictures are up in my portfolio on Facebook for you to check out:

Anyways thats it for the night, im off! More updates later if I remember haha!